Montag, 14. November 2011

A new home for my axolotl

Hey, at the moment I'm very busy so I don't have much time to write here :(

It's getting colder and colder here... I can't wait for the christmas markets to open^^ I want to drink some hot wine punch :D

Like I wrote in my last entry, this will be about my new aquarium which I got for my birthday. My old aquarium was leaky... and there were about 120 litres water in it! Luckily no water got on my floor, that would have been horrible!
My old (& empty) aquarium and...

... my new aquarium! 180 litres!!! Yeaaah!

It was very hard to move the old aquarium out of the house because it was so heavy and even more difficult to get the new one on the table. I was so happy when it finally stood on the table and all the sand and water were inside... Further more I bought new plants, snails and some wood. Now I have 5 cute apple snails <3

And my axolotls like their new home^^

Looks great, doesn't it?

Lotl says hello, he's sooooo cute <3

6 Kommentare:

  1. (I get here by poupee :) These pictures are great. Do you have any other animals at home?

  2. they're really cute, i saw them already in real =) especially the pink one is my fav ^^

  3. Du kannst mir auch weiterhin auf Deutsch schreiben ;)
    Aber wenn dir Englisch lieber ist...^^

  4. Cool, I always wanted one but all I got was fairy who is a real grumbler :/
